Source code for nupic.tensorflow.constraints.sparse_weights

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# Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing (NuPIC)
# Copyright (C) 2019, Numenta, Inc.  Unless you have an agreement
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import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras

[docs]class SparseWeights(keras.constraints.Constraint): """ Sparse weights constraint. Constrains the weights to a fixed sparsity rate where a fixed number of weights are always zeros. :param percent_on: Percentage of weights that are allowed to be non-zero. Default 0.5 :type sparsity: float """ def __init__(self, percent_on=0.5, name=None): assert 0.0 < percent_on < 1.0 self.percent_on = percent_on = name or "sparse_mask" self._built = False def _build(self, input_shape, dtype=tf.float32): """ Called on the first iteration once the input shape is known :param input_shape: Input shape including batch size """ with tf.variable_scope(, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): non_zeros = int(round(input_shape[-1].value * self.percent_on)) # Create random mask with k elements set to 1, all other elements set to 0 values = tf.random_uniform(input_shape) top_k, _ = tf.math.top_k(input=values, k=non_zeros, sorted=False) kth = tf.reduce_min(top_k, axis=1, keepdims=True) mask = tf.cast(tf.greater_equal(values, kth), dtype=dtype) self.mask = tf.get_variable(, initializer=mask, trainable=False, synchronization=tf.VariableSynchronization.NONE, ) keras.backend.track_variable(self.mask) self._built = True def __call__(self, w): if not self._built: self._build(w.shape, dtype=w.dtype) return w * self.mask
[docs] def get_config(self): return {"percent_on": self.percent_on, "name":}